Type alias DeploymentRollout

DeploymentRollout: {
    acknowledged: boolean;
    build: Build | null;
    count: number;
    created_at: Timestamp;
    deployment_id: Id<"deployment">;
    health_check_failed: boolean;
    id: Id<"rollout">;
    init_container_id: string | null;
    last_updated_at: Timestamp;
    state: RolloutState;

Type declaration

  • acknowledged: boolean

    Has the rollout been acknowledged by a user

  • build: Build | null

    The build that triggered the rollout

  • count: number

    How many containers are being recreated

  • created_at: Timestamp

    When the rollout took place

  • deployment_id: Id<"deployment">

    The deployment ID for rollout

  • health_check_failed: boolean

    If a health check failed (causing the rollout to fail)

  • id: Id<"rollout">

    The rollout ID for rollout

  • init_container_id: string | null

    Container ID that the rollout is pertaining to

  • last_updated_at: Timestamp

    Last time latest rollout was updated

  • state: RolloutState

    The state of the rollout

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