Interface Gateway

Gateways are used to connect services to the internet or a private network


  • Gateway


created_at: Timestamp

The date this gateway was created

deployment_id: `deployment_${string}`

The deployment this gateway is associated with

domains: Domain[]

Domains associated with this gateway

hopsh_domain: null | `${string}`

Domain automatically assigned by Hop

hopsh_domain_enabled: boolean

Determines if the domain is current active.

id: `gateway_${string}`

The ID of the gateway

internal_domain: null | `${string}.hop`

Internal domain assigned by user upon gateway creation

name: string

The name of the gateway

protocol: null | "http"

The protocol for this gateway (Only for external)


Currently, hop only supports HTTP. This will eventually change to an enum

target_port: null | number

Port the Gateway targets (Only for external gateways)

The type of the gateway

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