Interface Deployment


  • Deployment


active_build: null | Build

Current active build for deployment

active_rollout: null | DeploymentRollout

Current active rollout for deployment


Use latest_rollout

build_cache_enabled: boolean

Build cache settings for deployment

build_id: null | `build_${string}`

The ID of the build currently being used in production by this deployment. This will change if another build has been promoted to production.

build_settings?: BuildSettings

Build settings for deployment

config: Omit<DeploymentConfig, "name">

The config for this deployment

container_count: number

The amount of containers this deployment is currently running

created_at: Timestamp

The time this deployment was created at

id: `deployment_${string}`

The ID of the deployment

latest_rollout: null | DeploymentRollout

Current active rollout for deployment

metadata: null | DeploymentMetaData

Metadata for deployment

name: string

The name of the deployment

running_container_count: number

The amount of containers in the running state

target_container_count: number

The target amount of containers a deployment should run

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